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Spring & Sprouts

In News on aprile 27, 2018 at 4:43 PM

Hey, it’s been a long time, let’s come out.

In these last months I’ve been home recording some music alone: sketches, small pieces, ideas as I always did. The only difference is this time I’m using something more than vocal memos on the phone (meaning zany Garage Band by the way) and I’m going to spread this music to friends.
All my band-no-leader projects are (temporarily?) shut down, picking up the guitar at night and playing whatever comes out has become my only creative burrow. I also resort to bass, some “voices”, drums or tiny percussions and cheap midi shit.
I’m not interested in re-playing parts that I lay down on the spot, to record a better version of them, almost everything will be quite unpolished, undeveloped and largely naif. But it’s what I’m  able to do, just the attempt to express my true simple pleasure of time spending and hopefully share it.
I feel if I’d change stuff to make it better I’d deny the meaning of time wich is to be there and disappear. Time would be meaningless, as it probably is, but I would not exist, yes, that scares me still.
I’ve exceptionally asked a couple of good friends help for extraordinary reasons, I’ll tell you more about it.
Let me know (privately) if you may be intrigued, I’ll print some very few copies.